
NateOn remover and source code.

In yesterday, I have made this program for some WindowsVISTA users.
Some WindowsVISTA could'nt uninstalls NateOn messanser.
So I modified previous source code for uninstalling NateOn even it dosen't installed as well.
Updates are
- Detects Windows version. Only CS_SHADOW works on windowsXP.
- Some wrong detecting registry key value fixed.
- Even there is no installed information on Windows registry, it scans hard disk for uninstalling files.
Open source code means :
- I never update this program.
- Source code is free, so everyone can be make new one from my source code.
Source Codes :
- Only simple C and Windows APIs with DEV-C++
To Download :
- Please visit my Korean blog site and find -바이너리- , -소스코드-
- 바이너리 means BINARY
- 소스코드 means SOURCE CODE
- download location is = http://denkami.tistory.com/81

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